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What are the differences between Refrigeration Air Dryers and Desiccant Air Dryers?

Oct 9, 2024
What are the differences between Refrigeration Air Dryers and Desiccant Air Dryers?
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What are the differences between Refrigeration Air Dryers and Desiccant Air Dryers?

Both refrigerated air dryers and desiccant air dryers serve to eliminate moisture from compressed air, but they operate differently and have distinct characteristics regarding moisture removal and operating costs.
1. Operation Method:
   - Refrigerated Air Dryers: These cool the compressed air, causing moisture to condense and drain away. They are effective for moderate drying needs.
   - Desiccant Air Dryers: These use desiccant materials that absorb moisture from the air, providing a more thorough drying process, suitable for low-humidity applications.
2. Moisture Removal:
   - Refrigerated Air Dryers: Typically remove moisture to a dew point of around 3°C to 10°C.
   - Desiccant Air Dryers: Can achieve much lower dew points, often down to -40°C or lower, making them ideal for sensitive processes.
3. Operating Costs:
   - Refrigerated Air Dryers: Generally, have lower upfront and operational costs due to simpler technology and less energy consumption.
   - Desiccant Air Dryers: Tend to have higher operating costs due to energy use for regeneration of the desiccant and the need for periodic replacement of the desiccant material.
Understanding these differences can help in selecting the right type of air dryer for your specific needs.

Refrigerated Air Dryer

Refrigerated compressed air dryers operate by cooling the air, similar to how a refrigerator or freezer functions. They use compressor coils filled with refrigerant to chill the air to temperatures between 3°C to 10°C. As the air cools, water vapor condenses into liquid, which is then collected and drained off through an automatic drain system. Before being used, the dry compressed air is typically reheated to room temperature within the dryer.
These air compressor dryers are the most commonly used in manufacturing and service industries. They effectively lower the dew point to around 3°C, which is sufficient for applications that require air free of visible moisture, such as pneumatic tools. If your application only needs dry air without visible moisture, a refrigerated air dryer is likely a suitable choice.
Compared to desiccant air dryers, refrigerated air dryers generally offer:
- Lower initial investment costs
- Reduced operating and maintenance expenses
- Higher dew points, leaving more moisture in the air.

Desiccant Air Dryer

Desiccant compressed air dryers’ function by removing water vapor from the air through a process called adsorption. They utilize adsorptive materials that attract and bind water molecules to their surfaces, featuring tiny micropores that enhance the surface area available for this process. Common desiccants include activated alumina and molecular sieve materials. Most desiccant dryers are equipped with two towers filled with desiccant beads, allowing for continuous operation—while one tower dries the compressed air, the other regenerates the desiccant.
While desiccant air dryers generally have a higher initial investment and greater operating and maintenance costs compared to refrigerated air dryers, they can achieve much lower dew points, typically down to -40°C or even lower. This provides significantly drier air than what a refrigerated air dryer can produce. If your processes require lower dew point, a desiccant air dryer is essential. They are particularly important for applications operating in freezing conditions, as refrigerated dryers cannot reduce the dew point sufficiently to prevent condensation from freezing at very low temperatures.
Desiccant dryers require energy and some compressed air to regenerate the used desiccant materials, consuming between 5% to 18% of the compressed air supply, depending on the control type.

What is the purpose of air dryer in our air compressor system?

Oct 9, 2024
What is the purpose of air dryer in our air compressor system?
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What is the purpose of air dryer in our air compressor system?

A compressed air dryer eliminates moisture from the air produced by the air compressor. The capacity of air to hold moisture varies with temperature and pressure. When air is compressed, the increased pressure forces excess moisture to condense into liquid at the compressor's discharge, while some moisture remains as water vapor in the air stream.

Moisture in compressed air can create issues within the compressed air system, pneumatic tools, and manufacturing processes. As compressed air travels through the piping system and cools, liquid moisture can condense. This condensation can lead to corrosion, scaling, or the removal of lubrication in production equipment.

Water vapor left in compressed air poses challenges for various manufacturing processes. For instance, excessive moisture in air-operated paint systems can negatively impact colour, adhesion, drying times, and finish quality. In food processing and pharmaceutical settings, moisture in compressed air can contribute to spoilage.

The air dryer works to remove surplus moisture and lower the dew point, which is the temperature at which condensation begins. The dew point serves as an indicator of the moisture content in compressed air; a lower dew point indicates drier air.
How to choose the right capacity for the air compressor dryer?

Selecting an air dryer is a crucial part of designing a compressed air system. The choice of air dryer significantly affects air quality, system efficiency, and operating expenses. By choosing the appropriate type of air dryer (refrigeration air dryer or desiccant dryer) and sizing it correctly for your system's requirements, you can ensure a reliable supply of clean, dry air while managing costs effectively. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a dryer:
- What level of dryness (dew point) is required for your air?
- What are the ambient temperature conditions?
- What is the flow rate (m3/min or cfm) requirement for your application?
- What is the working pressure (bar or psi) requirement for your application?

How to size a screw compressor system?

Jul 4, 2024
How to size a screw compressor system?
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How to size a screw compressor system?
Sizing a screw compressor station involves several key steps to ensure the compressor system meets your specific requirements efficiently. Here’s a structured approach to sizing a screw compressor station:
1. Determine Air Demand

To size a screw compressor first is to identify required air flow: Calculate or estimate the total air flow (in cubic feet per minute, CFM) required by considering all the pneumatic tools, machines, and processes that will be operating simultaneously. This is crucial as it directly influences the size and number of the air compressors needed.

Consider Future Growth: Anticipate future increases in air demand to avoid under-sizing the air compressor system.

2. Evaluate Operating Conditions

Another requirement to size a screw compressor system is to determine the minimum and maximum operating pressures required for your applications. This is typically measured in pounds per square inch (psi) or bar.

Temperature and Environment: Consider the ambient temperature and any special environmental conditions that could affect the air compressor performance.

3. Select Compressor Type and Configuration

Screw Compressor Type: Choose between fixed-speed and variable-speed compressors based on your air demand profile and energy efficiency goals. Variable-speed screw compressors are often more energy-efficient and can better match varying air demand compared to fixed-speed screw compressors.

Single vs. Multiple Air Compressors: Depending on your air demand and system redundancy requirements, decide whether a single large air compressor or multiple smaller air compressors operating in parallel are more suitable.

4. Calculate Total Power Requirements

Power Supply: Ensure your facility has adequate electrical supply to accommodate the power requirements of the air compressor(s) and associated equipment.

Energy Efficiency: Consider the overall energy efficiency of the air compressor(s) and associated equipment to minimize operational costs.

5. Determine Air Treatment Needs

Air Quality Requirements: Assess if your applications require specific air quality standards (e.g. dry, clean air for sensitive equipment). This will dictate the need for air treatment equipment such as air dryers (air compressor dryer or refrigerated air dryer or desiccant dryer), air filters, and air separators to build a full compressed air system.

6. Installation and Piping Design

Location and Space Requirements: Plan the physical location of the air compressor station considering access for maintenance and noise control.

Piping Design: Design the air distribution piping system to minimize pressure drops and ensure consistent air supply to all points of use.

7. Consult with Experts

Manufacturer’s Recommendations: Work closely with screw compressor manufacturers or distributors who can provide technical expertise and recommend suitable equipment based on your requirements.

Engineering Support: Engage with experienced engineers or consultants if needed to ensure a comprehensive and optimal design for your air compressor system.

8. Maintenance and Lifecycle Costs

Consider Lifecycle Costs: Factor in maintenance requirements, expected lifespan of the equipment, and availability of spare parts when selecting the air compressor system.

By following these steps and carefully evaluating each factor, you can effectively size a screw compressor station that meets your operational needs while optimizing energy efficiency and minimizing lifecycle costs.

Feel free to contact us for more information of screw air compressor!
Call us or WhatsApp us at +6016-753 6908 / +6016-755 3178

What industries use Generator Set?

Jun 21, 2024
What industries use Generator Set?
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What industries use Generator Set?
Generator sets (gensets) are used across various industries where reliable backup power or off-grid electricity supply is essential. Here are some industries that commonly use generator sets:
1. Construction:
   - Construction sites often rely on generator sets to power tools, lighting, and temporary facilities in remote or temporary locations where grid power may not be available.
2. Mining:
   - Mines require continuous and reliable power for operations, including lighting, ventilation systems, drilling equipment, and other machinery. Generator sets provide essential backup power in case of grid failures.
3. Oil and Gas:
   - The oil and gas industry utilizes generator sets for powering drilling rigs, pumps, compressors, and other critical equipment in remote and offshore locations where grid power is unavailable or unreliable.
4. Telecommunications:
   - Telecommunication networks depend on generator sets to provide backup power to cell towers, data centres, and communication infrastructure during power outages or in locations where grid power is unstable.
5. Healthcare:
   - Hospitals and medical facilities use generator sets to ensure continuous power supply for lifesaving equipment, lighting, HVAC systems, and essential medical devices in case of power grid failures or emergencies.
6. Data Centres and IT Services:
   - Data centres rely on generator sets to provide uninterrupted power supply (UPS) during power outages or grid instability to prevent data loss and maintain operational continuity.
7. Manufacturing:
   - Manufacturing plants use generator sets to power machinery, HVAC systems, lighting, and critical production processes, ensuring minimal downtime and continuity of operations.
8. Retail and Commercial Businesses:
   - Retail stores, shopping malls, hotels, and commercial buildings use generator sets to maintain essential services such as lighting, HVAC, security systems, and electronic transactions during power outages.
9. Utilities:
   - Electric utilities use generator sets as backup power sources for substations, grid control centres, and critical infrastructure to ensure grid stability and reliability during emergencies or grid failures.
10. Emergency Services and Disaster Relief:
    - Emergency response agencies, fire departments, and disaster relief organizations use generator sets for temporary power supply in disaster-stricken areas or remote locations where infrastructure may be damaged or unavailable.
11. Military and Defence:
    - Military operations require generator sets for powering field camps, communication systems, radar stations, and other mission-critical equipment in remote or hostile environments.
These industries demonstrate the diverse applications of generator sets, which play a crucial role in ensuring continuous operations, safety, and productivity in various sectors where reliable electricity supply is paramount.

What Industries use Portable Air Compressor?

Jun 21, 2024
What Industries use Portable Air Compressor?
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What industries use portable air compressor?
Portable air compressors find applications across various industries due to their versatility and ability to provide compressed air on-site. Some industries that commonly use portable air compressors include:
1. Construction:
   - Portable air compressors are essential on construction sites for powering pneumatic tools such as jackhammers, nail guns, drills, and sandblasters. Air compressors are also used for inflating tires, cleaning equipment, and operating concrete vibrators.
2. Mining:
   - In mining operations, portable air compressors are used for drilling, rock blasting, and powering pneumatic tools in underground and surface mining environments.
3. Oil and Gas:
   - Portable air compressors are used in the oil and gas industry for various applications, including well drilling, pipeline maintenance, pneumatic control systems, and powering equipment in remote locations.
4. Manufacturing:
   - Manufacturing facilities use portable air compressors to operate pneumatic machinery, control systems, and assembly tools. Air compressors are crucial for maintaining consistent air pressure in production processes.
5. Automotive Repair and Maintenance:
   - Portable air compressors are used in automotive workshops for inflating tires, operating pneumatic tools (e.g., impact wrenches, air ratchets), and powering spray guns for painting.
6. Agriculture:
   - Farmers and agricultural operations use portable air compressors for tasks such as inflating tractor tires, powering pneumatic tools for maintenance, and operating irrigation systems.
7. Utilities and Municipalities:
   - Utilities and municipal services utilize portable air compressors for maintenance tasks such as cleaning pipes, powering pneumatic tools for repairs, and operating equipment in remote or emergency situations.
8. Events and Entertainment:
   - Portable air compressors are used in event management and entertainment industries for inflating balloons, powering airbrushes for painting, and operating pneumatic props or stage equipment.
9. Shipbuilding and Marine Industry:
   - Portable air compressors are used in shipyards and marine applications for cleaning, painting, maintenance of ship hulls, and operating pneumatic tools in confined spaces.
10. Emergency Services:
    - Emergency response teams and disaster relief operations use portable air compressors for tasks such as inflating air mattresses, powering rescue tools (e.g., jaws of life), and operating pneumatic systems in emergency situations.
These examples demonstrate the wide-ranging utility of portable air compressors across different industries, where they are valued for their mobility, reliability, and ability to deliver compressed air for various applications on-site.

Screw Compressor Start Up & Shut Down Procedure

Jun 21, 2024
Screw Compressor Start Up & Shut Down Procedure
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What are the procedure to start up and shut down screw compressor?

Starting up and shutting down a screw compressor properly is crucial for its performance and longevity. Here are the general procedures for both:
Screw Compressor Start-Up Procedure:
1. Inspect the Area:
   - Ensure the screw compressor and surrounding area are clear of obstructions and safe to operate.
2. Check Oil Level:
   - Verify the oil level in the air compressor. Top up if necessary following manufacturer guidelines.
3. Open Air Outlet Valve:
   - Ensure the air outlet valve is open to allow air flow once the screw compressor starts.
4. Close Bypass Valve (if applicable):
   - If there's a bypass valve to bypass the air compressor, ensure it's closed for normal operation.
5. Turn on Power:
   - Start by turning on the power to the air compressor and any associated equipment (such as air dryer or filters).
6. Initiate Start-Up Sequence:
   - Follow the specific start-up sequence outlined in the air compressor's manual. This may involve pressing start buttons or switches in a particular order.
7. Monitor Start-Up:
   - Observe the air compressor during start-up for any unusual noises or vibrations. Check that pressure builds up steadily.
8. Check Control Parameters:
   - Once the air compressor is running, monitor control parameters such as discharge pressure, oil pressure, and temperature to ensure they stabilize within normal operating ranges.
9. Adjust Settings (if needed):
   - Set the operating parameters (pressure, temperature) on the air compressor according to your requirements and ensure they are within safe limits.

Screw Compressor Shut-Down Procedure:
1. Prepare for Shut-Down:
   - Before shutting down, reduce the load on the air compressor by gradually decreasing the air demand if possible.
2. Check Operating Parameters:
   - Monitor the operating parameters of the air compressor to ensure they are within safe ranges.
3. Close Air Outlet Valve:
   - Close the air outlet valve to stop airflow from the air compressor.
4. Follow Shut-Down Sequence:
   - Follow the shut-down sequence as specified in the air compressor’s manual. This may involve pressing stop buttons or switches in a particular order.
5. Cool Down Period:
   - Allow the air compressor to run unloaded (if equipped) for a brief period to cool down components.
6. Monitor Parameters:
   - Continue to monitor control parameters such as discharge pressure, oil pressure, and temperature as the air compressor shuts down.
7. Shutdown Power:
   - Once the air compressor has completed its shut-down sequence and cooled down, turn off the power to the air compressor and any associated equipment.
8. Post-Operation Checks:
   - After shut-down, inspect the air compressor for any signs of abnormalities such as leaks, unusual noises, or excessive vibrations.
9. Record Operation Data:
   - Maintain a record for the air compressor of operating parameters and any observations for future reference.
By following these procedures, you can ensure that your screw compressor starts up and shuts down safely and efficiently, maximizing the air compressor lifespan and performance. Always refer to the specific manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations provided in the air compressor's manual for detailed instructions tailored to your equipment.
Feel free to contact us for more information of screw air compressor!
Call us or whatsapp us at +6016-753 6908 / +6016-755 3178

Generator Set Maintenance Lists

Mar 15, 2024
Generator Set Maintenance Lists
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Generator Set Maintenance Checklists

Megah Machinery provide rental of generator set in Johor Bahru, Johor with more than 15 years of experience. To ensure generator set is well functioning, generator set regular maintenance is critical to provide power or electricity during power outage.

There are a few basic maintenance tasks that should be performed when starting up of generator set. However, some of the generator set maintenance tasks which involved tests and complicated procedures is best to leave to the professional’s maintenance team.

Generator Set Daily Maintenance Check:

Maintaining a generator set is essential to ensure it operates reliably during power outages or in remote locations. Here’s a comprehensive maintenance checklist for generator sets:

For customer renting of generator set, there are a few maintenances tasks customer can perform by having a quick visual inspection of the generator set.
If generator set use daily or run frequently, we can take note for below sign:
  • Oil leaks from generator set
  • Alarm or warning lights shown on the panel of generator set
  • Pest intrusion in the generator set
Oil leaking from generator set can be easily seen on the ground or inside the generator set. When power up the generator set, pay attention to the warning light or alarm on the panel and immediately seek advise from generator set service provide. As to avoid pest intrusion, please keep the area of generator set clean and washing of generator set when is necessary.

If generator set is for standby and will only start up a few weeks a time, here are a few things that need to be checked:
  • Check generator set fuel levels
  • Check whether there is sign of leak from generator set
  • Overall appearance of the generator set
It is at best to start up generator set and check its functionality. When starting up listen to engine sound and smoke blown out from exhaust should not be white or excessively. Other than checking the generator set exhaust system, manifold, muffler and exhaust pipe need to inspect to check sign of leak or issue of overheating.

Megah follow strict schedule on servicing of generator set, every 350 hours we will perform service for our generator set by changing fuel filter, oil filter, changing of oil and also air filter if is dusty. Checking of belting tension, battery and coolant level is necessary to ensure the generator set functionality. If the environment of the generator set is dusty, washing and cleaning of generator set can be done, cleaning battery cables and terminal is necessary to remove dirt and corrosion.

If generator set has been left unutilised for more than a year, it is suggested to recruit professional service team to inspect the generator set.
  • To check and change oil and oil filter for the generator set
  • To inspect wiring and electrical system of the generator set
  • To inspect the air intake system for the generator set
  • To perform function test and load bank testing for the generator set
  • Clean the generator set
Other Considerations:
  1. Service Records:
  • Maintain detailed service records of the generator set including dates, performed maintenance tasks, and any observations or issues noted.
  1. Operating Environment:
  • Ensure the generator set is protected from extreme weather conditions, moisture, and contaminants.
  1. Emergency Preparedness:
  • Have spare parts, filters, fluids, and tools readily available for routine maintenance and unexpected repairs for the generator set.
  1. Manufacturer's Manual:
  • Always refer to the generator set manufacturer’s manual for specific maintenance intervals, procedures, and recommendations.
By following this checklist and adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines, you can ensure your generator set remains in optimal condition, ready to provide reliable power when needed. Regular maintenance helps prevent costly repairs and downtime, ensuring your generator set operates efficiently and extends its lifespan.

While performing schedule maintenance, it helps to extend the service life for the generator set. If you required further information on maintenance and servicing of generator set, please do not hesitate to contact us at 07-387 3118 / 012-789 1736.

Why Rent Air Compressor?

Feb 23, 2024
Why Rent Air Compressor?
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Why rent Air Compressor?

Starting up of new business or project has allocated limited budget, rental of industrial air compressor can provide a few benefits for your business. User can perform with the same efficiency of buying a new air compressor at lower cost with rental of air compressor.

Megah Machinery has more than 10 years of experience in supplying and rental of screw air compressor in Johor Bahru, Johor. User can put at ease as service and maintenance of air compressor will be provided by our professional team.
What are the benefits of rental air compressor?

Renting a portable air compressor can offer several benefits depending on your specific needs and circumstances:
1. Cost Savings:
   - Renting eliminates the upfront costs of purchasing the air compressor, which can be substantial. It also avoids ongoing expenses such as maintenance, repairs, and storage for the air compressor.
2. Flexibility and Convenience:
   - Renting allows you to choose the right size and type of the air compressor for each job or project without being committed to one specific unit long-term. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for short-term or intermittent needs.
3. Access to Latest Equipment:
   - Rental companies often update their inventory with the latest models and technologies. Renting gives you access to newer and more efficient air compressors than you might be able to afford to purchase outright.
4. Maintenance and Support:
   - Rental agreements typically include maintenance and support services for the air compressor. This means you don't have to worry about servicing the air compressor or dealing with unexpected breakdowns—the rental company handles these issues.
5. No Storage Requirements:
   - Portable air compressors can take up significant space when not in use. Renting of air compressor eliminates the need for storage space and the associated costs and logistics.
6. Scalability:
   - Renting of air compressor allows you to scale up or down easily based on the demands of your projects. You can rent multiple units or different sizes/types of air compressors as needed without the commitment of ownership.
7. Reduced Downtime:
   - Rental companies typically ensure their equipment such as air compressor is in good working condition before renting it out. This reduces the risk of downtime due to equipment failure compared to using older or less reliable owned equipment.
8. Trial Before Purchase:
   - Renting allows you to try out different models and brands of air compressor before deciding on a purchase. This can help you make a more informed decision if you eventually decide to invest in a compressor.

There are a few benefits to rent air compressor, one of the biggest reasons to rent air compressor is to reduce the maintenance cost for purchase of air compressor. Company who bought in new air compressor will need to take in the costs to maintain and service the air compressor. With rental of air compressor, the responsibility to service and maintain the air compressor will lies on us the air compressor specialist. In this case, it allows your team to focus on produce more output instead of hire another team to do maintenance for the air compressor.

Other than that, rental of air compressor can reduce the risk of down time. In case there is compressor malfunctions, Megah Machinery will assist immediately, where customer can reply on us to troubleshoot and repair the air compressor. If air compressor is unable to repair on site, Megah will replace the air compressor immediately where customer do not need to bare the cost to seek new air compressor.

Megah Machinery allows our customer to access to high quality air compressor. If rental of air compressor with Megah, customer get to enjoy good quality products in an affordable price. Megah Machinery not only provide air compressor rental but also the whole compressed air system inclusive of air compressor dryer, air filter, compressed air receiver tank, desiccant dryer and other machinery and equipment.

Overall, renting a portable air compressor can be a cost-effective and convenient solution for various applications, providing access to high-quality equipment without the upfront investment and ongoing maintenance responsibilities of ownership.

Contact us now to learn more about rental of air compressor in Johor Bahru, Johor. You may contact us at 016-753 6908 or 016-755 3178, you can always count on us at Megah Machinery to provide the best air compressor rental and sales services.

Launching new branch at Shah Alam ¨C Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd - Machinery and Equipment Rental Company

Dec 1, 2022
Launching new branch at Shah Alam ¨C Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd - Machinery and Equipment Rental Company
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To seek for future growth, we have launched a new location at Shah Alam under company name Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd as a machinery and equipment rental company. With Megah Machinery 10 years of expertise in the industries of rental and sales of air compressors, generator sets, Miller welding machine, air dryers, air receiver tank etc. in which we strongly believed that our new based in Shah Alam will provide the same expertise and services to our customer.
What services has Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd provide?

Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd specialised in providing rental and sales of used / reconditioned air compressors, generator sets, Miller welding machine, air compressor dryer, desiccant dryer, air receiver tank and other machinery and equipment to most of the construction and industrial users.
Where can we find Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd in Shah Alam?

Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd is located at Seksyen 35, Shah Alam. Our location can be easily access or you can check out Megah Equipment website at https://www.megahequipment.com.my
No. 21, Jalan Raja Bot 35/134,
Alam Impian, Seksyen 35,
40470 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact Number:
016-327 8519 (Office)
016-755 3178 (Sales)

New 25 kVA Generator Set for Sale Johor Bahru

Oct 15, 2021
New 25 kVA Generator Set for Sale Johor Bahru
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DIMENSION (L x W x H) 1540 x 650 x 900 MM

We have brand new Denyo 25 kVA generator set available for sales & rental.

Send in your enquiry at https://www.megahmach.com/index.php?ws=contactus


Contact us now while stock last ! 012-789 1736 (Office) /  016-753 6908 (Sales)

Megah Machinery is a fast growing business in supplying air compressor, rental air compressor and rental generator set in Johor Bahru, Johor for more than 10 years. We focus on rental, sales and service of used / reconditioned portable air compressor, screw air compressor, generator set (genset), air compressor dryer, desiccant dryer, air receiver tank, Miller welding machine, diesel forklift etc. Over the year, we have gradually increased our units of generator set in order to provide rental of genset in Johor to more customers and industrial users. Megah has also expanded its business to our new branch located in Shah Alam, Selangor focuses on rental air compressor, generator set and other machinery and equipment.

Megah specialised in providing rental of genset Johor to oil & gas / marine industry, construction site and other industrial uses. We have wide range of capacity for rental in Johor Bahru, Johor ranging from 10kVA portable generator set up to 500kVA generator set.

We have followed strict instructions and schedule on servicing and maintenance of our portable genset. We will make sure that all of our genset for rental in Johor Bahru workshop is in good condition for rental and supply to our customers.

We will continue to provide our service of rental generator set in Johor Bahru, Johor. Our experience team can advise on the capacity and specifications on rental of genset Johor Bahru. We are also able to provide accessories such as oil tray, spark arrestor, earthing cable etc. in fulfil of your site requirements for rental of generator set in Johor. Other than that, Megah have also provided services to apply for Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) certificate, Department of Environment (DOE) certificate and ELR calibration certification for genset rental in Johor Bahru.

If you require further information on the specifications of rental generator set in Johor, please do not hesitate to contact our professional team at 016-753 6908 (Sales) / 012-789 1736 (Office). We will respond and give the best solutions for genset rental in Johor Bahru, Johor.

We have wide range of diesel genset for rental :
  • 10KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 13KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 25KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 37KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 45KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 50KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 60KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 75KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 80KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 90KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 100KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 125KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 150KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 200KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 220KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 270KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 300KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 350KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 400KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 450KVA Genset Rental Johor
  • 500KVA Genset Rental Johor

Portable Air Compressor Daily Maintenance Checklist

Sep 9, 2021
Portable Air Compressor Daily Maintenance Checklist
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What is your responsibility to make sure the rental portable air compressor is running in good condition?

Megah Equipment Sdn Bhd has been providing rental and sales of portable air compressor in Shah Alam, Selangor with more than 20 years of experience. Maintaining a portable air compressor is essential to ensure it operates efficiently and lasts long. Here are some general maintenance tips and checks you should perform regularly on the air compressor:

Daily Air Compressor Maintenance Checklist:

1. Oil Check and Change (if applicable):
If your portable air compressor requires oil, check the oil level before each use. Change the oil as per the manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Air Filter Inspection and Cleaning:
Clean or replace the air filter regularly (typically every 3 months or as specified by the manufacturer) to prevent dust and debris from entering the compressor.
3. Inspect Hoses and Connections:
Check hoses and connections for the air compressor for any leaks, cracks, or signs of wear. Replace damaged parts promptly to avoid air leaks and inefficiency.
4. Drain Moisture from Tank:
Release moisture from the air compressor air tank after each use to prevent rust and corrosion. This can usually be done using a drain valve at the bottom of the tank.
5. Check Safety Valve Functionality:
Ensure the safety valve in the air compressor is working correctly by testing it periodically. It should release pressure if it exceeds the maximum limit.
6. Inspect Pressure Gauges:
Check the air compressor pressure gauges for accuracy. If they are not accurate, they may need calibration or replacement.
7. Inspect Belts and Pulleys (if applicable):
If your air compressor has belts and pulleys, check them for wear and proper tension. Adjust or replace them if necessary.
8. Store Properly:
When not in use, store the air compressor in a clean, dry place. Protect the air compressor from extreme temperatures and humidity.
9. Follow Manufacturer's Maintenance Schedule:
Refer to your air compressor's user manual for a detailed maintenance schedule and follow it diligently.
10. Safety Precautions:
Always follow safety precautions outlined in the user manual when performing maintenance tasks for the air compressor. Disconnect the air compressor from power sources before servicing.
By following these maintenance practices, you can ensure that your portable air compressor operates efficiently and reliably over its lifespan. Adjust the frequency of checks based on how frequently you use the compressor and the operating conditions.

Customer who rent air compressor can have some quick visual inspection on the air compressor condition. There are some basic maintenances by looking whether there is oil leaking from the air compressor. By checking warning lights or alarm from the air compressor, give us signal to service or check on air compressor functionality. It is also important to check the surrounding of the air compressor whether there is sign of pest intrusion.

It is encouraged to check the fuel level of the air compressor before running and starting up the unit. If there is unusual sound rang from air compressor engine or excessive smoke release from exhaust, customer should immediately contact service provider to check on the air compressor.

Megah Team follow strict schedule on service and maintenance of portable air compressor. No matter our air compressor is on rental or standby in workshop, we will make sure our portable air compressor is in good condition for rental and sales. If there is issue with our on rental air compressor, Megah will immediately exchange the unit with no extra charges.

Feel free to contact us for more portable air compressor care!
Call us or WhatsApp us at +6016-753 6908 / +6016-755 3178

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